About Ismael.

My life has revolved around cooking for nearly two decades. It all started in 2005 at Jose Andres' renowned restaurant Jaleo, where I developed a deep passion for the craft. After honing my skills at Jaleo, I joined the team at
The Source by Wolfgang Puck, immersing myself in the world of fine dining cuisine. However, the pandemic changed my path in 2020. I became the Sous Chef at Little Miner Taco, where I gained invaluable experience.

Eventually, my brother and his brothers-in-law offered me a role at
Tacos La Michoacana DC, which included a food truck and catered to beer gardens. Alongside this, I had the idea to introduce hamburgers to the mix. I invested in a Food Truck and launched the Burger Shop at the beginning of this year.

My culinary background is diverse, encompassing both authentic Mexican cuisine and the refined techniques of fine dining. Through my expertise, I promise you an extraordinary experience where you will truly, Eat Well.